Another year, another pocket calendar

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Every year we make a lim­it­ed edi­tion of the pock­et-size cal­en­dar and sketch­book. And every year we strive to make it better. You may have seen the story of the previous editions. In this year's edition we found a way to include a ribbon bookmark, and clearly separated the sketchbook from the calendar, while keeping the simplicity and strengths of the previous editions.

Clear layout in 8 parts, giving each day the same amount of room (and leaving an extra slot for notes).

Otastar binding with sewn sections. Second cover (blue) is protected with anti-scratch lamination, and includes a ribbon bookmark.

12 different pre-printed grids for sketching and designing type—plenty of space to make personal notes and keep life organised.

See more hi-res photos on our Flickr.