Typotheque licenses its Webfont engine & Character Set viewer

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Web Font Service
Typotheque now licenses the engine behind our Webfont service.

With Webfont Service you can serve your fonts to a client's website. The service takes care of the font conversion from TTF to EOT, WOFF and SVG, font subsetting (including the GSUB layout tables), file hosting on a network of servers, and generation of CSS code for the end implementation.

The client has full control over the appearance of the user interface, with the option to fully integrate it into a third party website.

Character Set Viewer
An online application that displays all glyphs from a TTF or OTF font, including their OpenType alternatives (GSUB and GPOS). Glyphs in the fonts can be sorted by GID or Unicode, and presentation can be customised (grid size, font colour, font sizes, glyph descriptions, etc).

The fonts are hosted on a network of secure servers, so the service is fast and reliable, but the interface is fully integrated into the client's website. Because browsers have limits on how many simultaneous requests they can make to individual servers, hosting fonts on third-party servers will utilise more connections, loading files much faster than if they were hosted on the same server.

See details at type-applications.com or email us for pricing and an implementation manual.