Taking Credit: Film title sequences, 1955-1965 / 10 Bibliography
ALBRECHT, Donald, ‘The I.S. Goes Hollywood’, Skyline, February 1982, p.30
ALGREN, Nelson, The Man With The Golden Arm, Doubleday & Co Inc, New York, 1987
ANOBILE, Richard (ed.), Stagecoach, Avon Books, New York, 1975
ANOBILE, Richard (ed.), Casablanca, Darian House, New York, 1978
BAZELON, Irwin, Knowing the Score: Notes on Film Music, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1975
BIGHAM, Julia, The Design and Art Directors Association in the 1960s: A Reflection of Changing Approaches in Graphic Design and Advertising, unpublished MA Thesis, RCA, London, 1989
BLUEM, William & SQUIRES, Jason (eds.), The Movie Business, Hastings House, New York, 1972
BROWNJOHN, Robert, ‘Street Level’, Typographica, May 1963, p.49
BROWNJOHN, Robert, ‘Sex and Typography’, Typographica, May 1963, p.57
BURGIN, Victor (ed.), Formations of Fantasy, Methuen, London, 1986
BUSCOMBE, Edward (ed.), The Western, Andre Deustch, Great Britain, 1988
CAMERON, Ian, & SHIVAS, Mark, ‘What’s New Pussycat?, Movie, No. 14, Autumn 1965, p.12
CARRINGER, Robert L.,The Making of Citizen Kane, John Murray, Great Britain, 1985
CASPAR, Joseph Andrew, Stanley Donen, The Scarecrow Press Inc, London, 1983
CAUGHIE, John (ed.), Theories of Auteurship, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, London, 1981
CHIPP, Herschel B., Picasso’s Guernica, Thames & Hudson, London, 1989
CIMENT, Michael, Kubrick, Collins, Great Britain, 1983
CONTAINER CORPORATION OF AMERICA, Modern Art in Advertising, Paul Theobald, Chicago, 1946
COOK, Pam, The Cinema Book, British Film Institute, London, 1985
CRANE, Diana, The Transformation of the American Avant garde: the New York Art World 1940-1983, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1987
CROOK, Geoffrey, The Changing Image: television graphics from caption card to computer, Robots Press, London, 1986
DAVIES, Philip & NEVE, Brian eds., Cinema, Politics and Society in America, Manchester University Press, Great Britain, 1981
DOBROW, Larry, When Advertising Tried Harder, The Friendly Press, New York, 1984
DOUGLAS, Kirk, The Rag Man’s Son, Simon & Schuster, GB, 1988
ELLEY, David, The Epic Film, Routledge & Kegan Paul plc, London, 1984
FAST, Howard, Spartacus, Bodley Head, London, 1952
FINLER, Joel, All Time Box Office Hits, Columbus Books, London, 1985
FINLER, Joel, The Hollywood Story, Octopus Books, London, 1988
FLEMING, Ian, From Russia With Love, Jonathan Cape, 1957
GILLETT, John, ‘The State of the Studios’, Sight and Sound, Spring 1954
GLASER, Milton, Milton Glaser: Graphic Design, Penguin, London, 1983
GREENBERG, Clement, Art and Culture, Beacon Press, New York 1961
GUILBAUT, Serge, How New York Stole the Idea of Modern Art, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1983
HALAS, John, Graphics in Motion, Novum Press, Munich, 1981
HEWISON, Robert, Too Much: Art and Society in the Sixties, 1960-75, Methuen, London 1986
HOMANS, Katie, Robert Brownjohn: Conceptual Design, unpublished M.A. Thesis, Yale University, New Haven, 1982
HOUSTON, Penelope, & GILLETT, John, ‘Blockbusterisation’, Sight and Sound, Spring 1963, p.68
KAEL, Pauline, I Lost At The Movies, Cape, London, 1966
KAEL, Pauline, Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang, Cape, London, 1970
KAPSIS, Robert E, Hitchcock, The Making of a Reputation, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1992
KEPES, Gyorgy, The Language of Vision, Paul Theobald & Co. Chicago, 1944
Key Profiles: Richard Williams, Key Press, London 1972
KUENZLI, Rudolf ed., Dada and Surrealist Film, Willis, Locker & Owens, New York, 1987
LE GRICE, Malcolm, Abstract Film and Beyond, Studio Vista, London, 1977
LIVINGSTON, Alan & Isabella, Graphic Design and Designers, Thames & Hudson, London, 1992
LONG BEACH MUSEUM OF ART, Art in Film, exhibition catalogue, Long Beach, 1957
MARCHAND, Roland, Advertising the American Dream, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1986
[signup]MARQUIS, Alice Goldfarb, Alfred H Barr Jr, Missionary for the Modern, Contemporary Books, Chicago 1989
MEGGS, Philip B., The History of Graphic Design, Allen Lane, Great Britain, 1983
MERRITT, Douglas, Television Graphics, Trefoil Publications, London, 1987
NEALE, Stephen, Cinema and Technology, Macmillan, London, 1985
OPPLER, Ellen C (ed.), Picasso’s Guernica, Norton, New York, 1988
PALMER, Christopher, The Composer in Hollywood, Marion Boyars, New York, 1990
PEARLMAN, Chee, ‘Roll Call’, International Design, March/April 1990, p.38
PERKINS, Victor F, Film as Film, Pelican, London, 1972
PREMINGER, Otto, An Autobiography, Doubleday, New York, 1977
REBELLO, Stephen, Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho, Dembner Books, New York, 1990
RHODE, Eric, The History of the Cinema: from its origins to 1970, Penguin Books, Great Britain, 1976
REMINGTON, Roger R. & HODIK, Barbara J., Nine Pioneers in American Graphic Design, MIT, Cambridge, 1989
SAN FRANCISCO MUSEUM OF ART, Art in Cinema, exhibition catalogue, San Francisco, 1947
SARRIS, Andrew (ed.), Hollywood Voices, Secker and Warburg, London, 1971
SCHATZ, Thomas, The Genius of the System: Hollywood Film Making in the Studio Era, Pantheon, New York, 1988
SHONE, Tom, ‘Its Time To Junk Bond’, The Sunday Times, 27 October 1992, p.24
SLOAN ALLEN, James, The Romance of Commerce and Culture, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1983
SONTAG Susan, Against Interpretation, Andre Deutsch, Great Britain, 1987
STEPHENSON, Ralph & PHELPS, Guy, The Cinema as Art, Penguin Books, London 1989
TRUFFAUT, Francois, Hitchcock, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1984
TUDOR, Andrew, Theories of Film, Secker and Warburg, London 1974
ULRICH, Allen, The Art of Film Music, Oakland Museum of Art, Oakland 1976
WALKER, Alexander, Hollywood, England, Michael Joseph Ltd Great Britain, 1974
WALKER ART CENTER, Graphic Design in America, Harry N Abrams Inc, New York, 1989
WEAVER, Mike, ‘The Concrete Art of Oskar Fischinger’, Art and Artists, May 1969
WEES, William C., Light Moving in Time: Studies in the Visual Aesthetics of Avant Garde Film, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1992
WHITLEY, Nigel, Pop Design: Modernism to Mod, The Design Council, Great Britain, 1987
WILLIAMS, Richard, ‘Animation and The Little Island’, Sight and Sound, Autumn 1958, p.309
WOOD, Robin, Hitchcock’s Films Revisited, Faber & Faber, London, 1989
ZADOR, Leslie, Alex North, British Film Institute Pamphlet
Barbarella, Marianne Productions, France, 1967
Bass On Titles, Pyramid Films, U.S., 1982
Ben Hur, M.G.M., U.S., 1959
The Big Country, Worldwide Productions, U.S., 1958
[social]The Blood of the Poet, Vicomte de Noailles, France, 1930
Blow Up, Bridge Films, G.B., 1966
Bonnie and Clyde, Tatira Productions, U.S., 1967
Carmen Jones, Carlyle Productions, U.S., 1954
Charade, Stanley Donen Productions, U.S., 1963
The Charge of the Light Brigade, Woodfall Films, G.B., 1968
Citizen Kane, Mercury Productions, U.S., 1941
Dr No, Eon Productions, G.B., 1962
Easy Rider, Pando Company, U.S., 1969
From Russia With Love, Eon Productions, G.B.,1963
Goldfinger, Eon Productions, G.B., 1965
Grand Prix, Joel Productions, U.S., 1966
License To Kill, Eon Productions, G.B., 1989
The Man With The Golden Arm, Carlyle Productions, U.S., 1955
Psycho, Shamley Productions, U.S., 1960
The Seven Year Itch, Twentieth Century Fox, U.S.,1955
Something Wild, Orion Pictures, U.S., 1986
A Star Is Born, Transcona Enterprises, U.S., 1954
Studies, Oskar Fischinger, Germany, 1922-32
Superman, Alexander Salkind, G.B., 1978
Thunderball, Eon Productions, G.B., 1966
2001: A Space Odyssey, M.G.M./Kubrick, G.B., 1968
Vertigo, Paramount Pictures, 1958
Walk On The Wild Side, Famous Artists Productions, U.S., 1961
What’s New Pussycat?, Famous Artists Productions, U.S., 1965
Who Knows Saul Bass?, Karl Schmidt, Germany, 1992
Archival Sources:
Anatomy of a Murder, press book, British Film Institute
Bonjour Tristesse, press book, British Film Institute
Exodus, press book, British Film Institute
Goldfinger, press book, British Film Institute
Museum of Modern Art, Film Library Report, 1956
Spartacus Archive, The State Historical Society of Wisconsin
Spartacus, press book, British Film Institute
Spartacus: The Portrait of the Production, United Artists, California, 1960
Vertigo, press book, British Film Institute
What’s New Pussycat, press book, British Film Institute
Graphis, Volume IX, 1953 – Volume XXI, 1965
Print, Volume VIII, 1953 – Volume XVII, 1963
Typographica, Number 1, 1960 – Number 12, 1965
Letters and Interviews:
Saul Bass, Bass/Yager Associates, Beverley Hills, 14 July 1992
Trevor Bond, by letter, 22 February 1993
Bob Brooks, BSCS, Paddington, 13 Janaury 1993
Sydney Cain, Pinewood, 14 November 1992
David Cammell, South Kensington, 16 December 1992
Alan Fletcher, Pentagram Offices, Notting Hill, 26 November 1992
Christopher Frayling, Design and the Dream Factory in Britain, R.C.A. lecture, 10 February 1993
Bernard Lodge, Surbiton, 25 November 1992
Richard Williams, by letter, 23 February 1993