Open Manifesto

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We don’t have too many books in our shop. The reason is simple: we read all books before offering them for sale, so it takes time to process them. Furthermore, there aren’t many titles that we can recommend without reservation.

Here is a publication that we have been following from a distance (geographically it couldn’t get any further), and now are pleased to offer on our site.

Open Manifesto comes out twice a year, offering eclectic, critical writing on a wide mix of disciplines seen through the eyes of a graphic designer. It is edited / published / designed by Kevin Finn in Australia.

Open Manifesto describes itself as ‘an independent, self-funded and self published journal of critical writing on graphic design culture. It is the first, and currently the only, journal of its kind based in Australia and was founded in 2003 by award-winning graphic designer, Kevin Finn. It is printed in one colour.’

‘Open Manifesto sits at the intersection between visual communications, media, politics, culture, economics and social issues. Each issue of Open Manifesto is devoted to a specific theme and seeks to explore the wider relationship graphic design has with society; how design influences society and how society influences design.’

We now offer the first 5 issues of Open Manifesto magazine (with the exception of issue 2, which is out of print).

Publisher’s website:

Open Manifesto magazines

“Open Manifesto is what graphic designers are all about. While it has both feet solidly planted in the world of graphic design, it often strays far and wide from this topic serving up an eclectic mix of essays and interviews in an understated yet handsome package. What more could one wish for?”
Rudy VanderLans, Emigre

“With so many weblogs devoted to graphic design, I am truly grateful for an intelligently written and edited “hard copy” journal devoted to design culture. Open Manifesto is truly ahead of the curve.”
Steven Heller, The School of Visual Arts, New York / Heller Books

“Self-initiated publishing projects often provide momentary thrills but not much of lasting value. Not Open Manifesto. Each issue contains writing of consequence and ideas that are worth returning to. Open Manifesto is quietly and confidently making an enduring contribution to our ongoing conversation about graphic design.”
Michael Bierut, Pentagram / Design Observer

“Open Manifesto... is an ambitious bid to enter Emigre and Dot Dot Dot territory.”
Rick Poynor, Author and Critic