Typotheque now supports WOFF in Firefox 3.6

woff blog2

Last week, the Mozilla Foundation released version 3.6 of Firefox. Besides snappier performance, this version also includes a significant improvement related to typography. It supports Web Open Font Format (WOFF), which offers four major advantages. First, WOFF font files are compressed for faster download times. Second, the format is web-specific, which precludes installation for desktop use. Third, the format includes licensing information. Lastly, it is a new standard format (XML wrapper), fully documented, and free for use by anyone.

In October we endorsed this format, and now we have integrated it into our web font service. Starting today we serve WOFF fonts to Firefox 3.6. If you already use our web font service there is nothing you have to do, as we automatically send the right fonts to the right browsers. Additionally we offer a self-hosting webfont licence, where you receive fonts files for all browsers supporting @font-face, including WOFF files.

We are excited about these new developments that can help to improve typography on the web.

Firofox 3.6 supports new font format WOFF