Webfonts sites (part 2)

webfonts use2

Following the first part of the focus on websites using Typotheque webfont service, we are now pleased to present another three websites.

>Pidgin magazine

Pidgin magazine is a publication edited and designed by graduate students at the Princeton University School of Architecture. Founded in 2005, maintaining its distinctive 256-page format to this day, Pidgin is expanding its readership. In print, and on its website it is using variety of Typotheque fonts. Currently, it is Irma for the headlines, and Fedra Sans Alt for the main text.

Fabulous Beast

Fabulous Beast is a dance theatre company, based in the Irish midlands and touring internationally. Dublin based designers Conor and David designed a website for this internationally recognised company. Using full page photos and large headlines in Greta Grande, they created a dynamic site that reflects the depth and ambition of the company.

Markea Court

Markea Court is a high standard, energy efficient townhomes in an urban setting designed by the renown firm of Prescott Muir Architects. The website designed by John Dilworth is prominently using Fedra Sans Display 1 to achieve elegance and contemporariness, matching the appearance of the residences.

It is wonderful to see our fonts to be put in such diverse use. Thanks for using our fonts and the webfonts service. And of course, let us know of the sites where you use Typotheque webfonts.