Munchenstein Text
Max Miedinger, the designer of Helvetica, created Horizontal in 1965 as a capitals-only typeface in one weight (lowercases were added a few years later by Miedinger). Nikola Djurek has now revisited the typeface, adding a range of weights and slants. With its geometric precision, Münchenstein Text is suitable for running text and headlines and is suggestive of technology and architecture.
PDF SpecimenMunchenstein Text System Overview
Munchenstein Text
- Light
- Light Slanted
- Regular
- Regular Slanted
- Medium
- Medium Slanted
- SemiBold
- SemiBold Slanted
- Bold
- Bold Slanted
- Heavy
- Heavy Slanted
- Black
- Black Slanted
Munchenstein Display
- Hairline
- Hairline Slanted
- Hairline Backslanted
- Thin Backslanted
- Thin
- Thin Slanted
- ExtraLight Backslanted
- ExtraLight
- ExtraLight Slanted
- Light Backslanted
- Light
- Light Slanted
- Regular Slanted
- Regular Original
- Regular Backslanted
- Regular
- Medium Backslanted
- Medium
- Medium Slanted
- SemiBold Backslanted
- SemiBold
- SemiBold Slanted
- Bold Backslanted
- Bold Slanted
- Bold
- Heavy Backslanted
- Heavy
- Heavy Slanted
- Black Backslanted
- Black
- Black Slanted
Munchenstein Slab
- Regular
- Color Regular
Munchenstein Text Variable