New Faces (List of Interviews)

Essays by Emily King
348 words2 min read

A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of Kingston University for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (1999)

(i) Historiography
(ii) Typographic History in the Context of Broader Design Historical Models
Chapter One: Technological and Industrial Change: Setting the Scene
Mapping Contemporary Type Design
Chapter Two: The West Coast
Chapter Three: The East Coast
Chapter Four: London
Chapter Five: The Netherlands
List of Interviews

List of Interviews

Jonathan Barnbrook, Virus, London, 31/3/97

Frank Blokland, Dutch Type Library, Den Bosch, 25/5/95

Burwell Davis, Adobe Europe, telephone interview, 15/3/95

Matthew Carter, Tobias Frere-Jones, Mike Parker, Carter & Cone, Font Bureau, Boston, 1/6/96

Barry Deck, London, 10/6/94

Tami Donohoe, Adobe, San José, 20/9/96

Michael Harvey, London, 13/2/97

Jonathan Hoefler, Hoefler Type Foundry, New York, 3/1/96

Rian Hughes, London, 2/10/96

Stuart Jensen, FontWorks, London, 1/3/95


Jeffrey Keedy, California Institute of the Arts, Los Angeles, 26/9/96

Max Kisman, Amsterdam, 26/5/95

Zuzana Licko & Rudy Vanderlans, Emigre, Berkeley, 18/9/96

Martin Majoor, Arnhem, 25/5/95

Dan Mills, Adobe, San José;, 20/9/96

Robin Nicholas, Monotype, Salfords, 10/3/95

Gerrit Noordzij, Tuil, 23/5/95

Harry Parker, Font Bureau, Boston, 1/6/96

Jill Pichotta, Font Bureau, Boston, 1/6/96

Just van Rossum & Erik van Blokland, LettError, The Hague, 21/5/95

David Quay & Freda Sack, The Foundry, London, 17/4/96

Rosemary Sassoon, Sevenoaks, 1/4/96

Alan Shelley, Linotype, telephone interview, 25/4/95

Robert Slimbach, Adobe, San José, 20/9/96

Richard Southall, Milton Keynes, 28/3/96

Erik Spiekermann, FontShop International, London, 9/11/96

Sumner Stone, Palo Alto, 23/9/96

Jeremy Tankard, Wolff Olins, 8/5/96

Carol Twombly, Adobe, San José;, 20/9/96

Gerard Unger, Reading, 19/2/97

Peter Verheul, Delft, 22/5/95

Karin van Warmerdam, FontShop International, Berlin, 11/4/94

Reg White, Berthold, Kingston, 17/3/95

Adrian Williams, Club Type, Sussex, 1/5/96

Jon Wozencroft, London, 20/11/96