A new Hebrew font collection
After a decade of working with Arabic type, Typotheque launches a collection of typefaces to cover another Semitic writing script — Hebrew. Arabic and Hebrew are related, and type systems that encompass them both can be very useful.
The aim of this seven-year project was not to create a particular style or a typeface family, but rather a complete Hebrew type programme: rigorous, high-contrast typefaces for continuous text, low-contrast fonts for identities and branding, and display typefaces for expressive typography.
The fonts in this release were created both in-house and in collaboration with leading Israeli type designers Michal Sahar and Yanek Iontef, as well as with younger, up-and-coming designers Daniel Grumer and Daniel Berkovitz. Read more about the process of designing Hebrew in this essay.
The collection includes 21 full typeface families and over 200 individual fonts, including many firsts. Greta Sans Hebrew, with its four widths, and ten weights, is probably the largest Hebrew type system to date; Greta Text Hebrew, probably the first text type with five weights and three grades for fine typographic control; Parmigiano Hebrew, probably the first digital type system in four optical sizes, and additionally one of the few fonts that correctly renders the cantillation marks required for setting religious texts. Greta Text and Fedra Serif also come with unique cursive styles for creating proper typographic hierarchies for complex projects. Read more about secondary styles for Hebrew.
These fonts are just being released now, but they have been already recognised internationally. Greta Sans Hebrew won the Certificate of Excellence at the Type Directors Club in NYC. Fedra Serif Hebrew, Greta Text Hebrew and November Hebrew received prizes at the Granshan type competition.
We have produced a new typeface specimen (No. 15) specially for this occasion, presenting Typotheque’s entire collection of Hebrew (and Arabic and Latin) fonts. Get your copy online for the symbolic price of €5.
We are proud to announce this collection of Hebrew fonts, with the hope that they can help local and international designers to make new designs and properly express their voices and culture. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about these typefaces.